PHARMACIE FRAYNE & ASSOCIÉS is specialized in pharmaceutical compounding and sterile preparation of all categories.

During this period when there are several medications out of stock and a lack of staff, we would like to advise you that the delivery time for a preparation may be longer than usual. Please allow 4-5 business days.

To speed up the process, we also ask to clearly indicate on the order form the date that your patient absolutely requires his treatment so that we can prioritize our preparations. 

Please also provide us with your prescription number for all preparations covered by the RAMQ so that we can cover your delivery costs.


Your Compounding Pharmacy


Our motto is providing a courteous and prompt service


Preparations that meet the strictest requirements


Quality products guaranteed!

Fast Service

You will receive your order within 72 hours, working days.

Reliable products

All our products are prepared according to well-defined formulas, validated by experts.


An on-call pharmacist is available after normal business hours.

Exceptional products that are custom tailored


Our qualified staff prepares the drugs prescribed by your doctor as quickly as possible. We have the tools and skills to prepare pharmaceutical compositions under the best conditions, ensuring our products comply with standard preparation practices.